11:30 A.M. @ EPAB OFFICE



2024 EPAB Installation and Awards Dinner

The 78th edition of the Installation and awards dinner took place at Grace Gardens on December 6. The event had 280 guests enjoy the three-hour event. It started with a happy hour sponsored by MTI Ready Mix and ended with the story of the angel on the tree.

After a wonderful meal, the program started honoring our recent Parade of Homes builders and Cuatro Land Holdings, LLC developer. We recognized our sponsors, then we presented the Chaney-Shallenberger Lifetime Award, honoring David Osborn, CEO of WestStar. Osborn has been a staunch supporter of the association, including approving the loan for our building, advertising, allowing his employees to participate in all our events, and so much more. Osborn’s community accomplishments are many, a staunch supporter for many non-profits, UTEP, and for-profit businesses. Congratulation David Osborn.

The Associate of the Year went to long time member Charles “Chuck” Haskins, owner of Haskins Electric. Haskins is also one of most resolute members, including multiyear stints on the board. Haskins is the title presenter of our golf tournament and supports many of our events. Haskins contributed to the upgrades in our office. Congratulations Chuck.
Jaime Gonzlez, President was honored as Member of the Year for his work. Jaime was presented his EPAB Presidents ring, a custom ring honoring his year at the helm. Congratulations and thanks Jaime.

We also would like to thank Chris Lyons, TAB 2025 Vice President for being here to install the board and executive. Chris, from Amarillo, built and flew his personal helicopter and was intending to fly into El Paso. The weather had other ideas. He had to make a couple of unplanned stops, one in a canyon and the other in a farmer’s field outside of Carlsbad. He called to let us know he’d be renting a car and driving in. He did, and his passenger, Joel Himes, was glad to ride. The following day Chris and Joel drove back to Carlsbad, then flew back to Amarillo. Extraordinary men do extraordinary things, none more committed to EPAB than Chris Lyons.

Chris installed the board then the Executive. 2025 President Victor Robles gave his acceptance speech, a heartfelt message of thanks and hope.